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Contact Us

You can get in touch with us!

If you wish your queries to be answered, please do not send us an email, – instead, please use the FAQ section of our web page and we will be in touch with you after review of your submitted queries and information.

> We use only one email for important correspondence, you can contact us using the contact form available in our webpage.

> For FAQs related questions and your queries please visit FAQs section of the web page.

> For Live update in your mobile as we get it subscribe to our Telegram and its again for Free.

> If you feel like taking us for the coffee for the care and support we have shown, kindly pay our bills here.

> We provide maximum services online, however if we need to provide our physical location we are located in Nepal and USA (the one who went to USA winning DV Lottery). 

> Stay connected to us via facebook & twitter: @routineofdiversityvisa /@roDiversityVisa